Full Cancellation Policy

Regularly scheduling and keeping appointments is essential to effective counseling. When you recognize you can’t make it to an upcoming session, please cancel it through the client portal 48 hours in advance. Sending me an email, text, or voicemail will not qualify as canceling the appointment. An appointment is officially canceled when you’ve canceled it through the client portal unless I state otherwise directly to you. I would like to hear the reason for your cancellation with a voicemail, email, or text. 

Cancellations that happen with less than 48 hours notice, or no shows, will be charged the full session fee (unless illness or weather conditions prohibit your attendance). School, work and/or employment obligations will not constitute a viable cancellation and will be charged a fee.  This is necessary because a time commitment is made to you and is held exclusively for you. 

If you are unable to make a scheduled appointment because of transportation limitations (i.e. weather conditions, your ride canceling) or minor illness, I most likely will ask that we hold a telehealth session instead. This is to avoid delaying the scheduled care and treatment we have determined to be in your best interest for growth and healing. Therefore, it will be expected that you will make every effort to still hold the scheduled appointment, even if it means doing a telehealth session (see Telehealth Therapy Disclosure and Consent). If you are unwilling or unavailable to do a telehealth session, a late fee cancellation will be applied. There will not be a late fee charged for illnesses with a fever or severe nausea or medical emergencies.